Let it be known that hard boiled eggs rank high among my favorite foods. I know we’re coming off of peak Easter Egg season and many of you are probably hard boiled egged out right now. But me? I cannot get enough of them.
They’re portable, they’re actually pretty good for you, they make an easy snack. Also they can be turned into all kinds of fabulous things like egg salad and deviled eggs. (Ugh, sorry, I feel like that Bubba guy from Forrest Gump who talks about all the awesome things you can do with shrimp. Except, well… with hard boiled eggs.)
But I do NOT love the tedious and incredibly frustrating process of peeling my hard boiled eggs. Until I discovered how to make hard boiled eggs in a pressure cooker, that is. For whatever reason, pressure-cooked eggs are so easy to peel, they practically slip right out of their shells.
It’s liiiife-changing, my friends. Truly.
How to make easy-to-peel hard cooked eggs in a pressure cooker
Note: The photos here show how I do it in a stovetop pressure cooker, but you can do it in an electric one too, like an Instant Pot, if that’s your thing.
Step 1:
Add water to your pressure cooker. Not much — just around 2 cups of water or less. Use whatever minimum liquid amount is recommended by your pressure cooker’s manufacturer. In my case, I used a cup and a half of water.
Place your pressure cooker’s steamer basket in the pot and set your eggs in the basket. Like so:
Step 2:
Lock on the lid and bring your pressure cooker up to low pressure. Keep under pressure for six minutes. At the end of that six minutes, turn off the heat and let the pressure release naturally for about six minutes. If any pressure still remains, go ahead and use the quick release valve to let the rest of the pressure out.
Step 3:
Unlock the lid, take the eggs out of the pressure cooker (Be careful! Those little buggers are hot!) and immerse the eggs under cold water for 10 minutes. This stops the cooking process and helps to ensure perfectly cooked eggs.
And seriously… that’s it! You now have hard cooked eggs that will be insanely easy to peel. So go on with your bad self and snack on some of these babies while enjoying the smug sense of self-satisfaction that comes with a perfectly peeled egg.
Assia says
I use EggAssist instead a steamer basket for cooking eggs in my pressure cooker. It works perfectly!!!